September 29, 2010

Come Together.

The thing I love most about public transportation, more so on the El than the bus is the segments of society that come together. Almost every sort of person will take the train when need be.

There are the moms taking their kids to school with earphones in so they don't actually have to listen to them screaming, while I do.

There's the cross dresser in a pair of leather pants and heels that I only wish I could look that hot in.

The old man staring terrified at the kid with dreads and piercings all over his face.

The young mom with a stroller and baby on her way to classes to better herself.

The enviornmentalist riding the train beacuse she wants to reduce her carbon footprint.

The teenage couple who are still sure nothing is better than love, and nothing can ever come between them. And when you look at them, you can see that.

The kid who is hard up for money for any variety of reasons and just looking for the next person to rob.

The homeless man who just keeps riding the train, to stay warm and catch some sleep.

The hipsters with their thrift store styles.

Headphones on several people so loud I can hear it through my headphones.

The tourist staring at the stops, then their map, trying to figure out where the hell they're going.

The family from the 'burbs who are taking the kids for their very first train ride.

People going to work, to play, to see family, friends, people who are sad, estatic, confused, dumb as a rock, or just trying to get by. You never know who you're sitting next to, and that's the best part. It might be the one time in most of our lives where we're forced to be with those who are different than us. Even if there are no conversations or gaps being bridged I still like it.


anyname said...

I love public transportation.

Anonymous said...

This is probably one of my favorite posts so far.


Jessica DiGregorio said...

Public transportation seriously makes me feel so normal!!
-Jessica D.