June 5, 2011


Well, I failed at 30 days. I guess I won't beat myself up over it.

I'm a Phoenician again. It's pretty sweet. I need to find a way to not become a fat lard ass here. There are a lot of them.

Now to find a job. I've had two interviews in less than three weeks, so that's pretty sweet. Here's hoping that the last one will hire me.

Every time I decide to walk anywhere in Phoenix, I feel like all the people are driving past me, taking pity on the poor girl without a car who must use her legs and be outside (gasp!) I'm sure I won't be doing this once it's 120 degrees outside, but while I can I'll get a mile or two walk in.

I don't think I miss Chicago yet. I miss some of my friends of course. I'm almost positive I will be paid more here, and have way less living costs.

I want to fly to Portland. Anyone been?

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