We finally found and got an apartment. Now it's time to pack up and move. Which, I am wholly unmotivated to do. I've only lived here a year and look around and wonder "where did all this crap come from!?" I don't know, but I think I need to scale down.
I watched a segment on the news about a couple who have scaled down their belongings to 100 items. I think this is a really cool idea, if only because it would make moving a lot easier. I've been seriously considering doing this, but I think my closet would have to shrink and I'm not sure that I'm alright with that happening. My kitchen alone might have close to 100 items. But, I have decided to seriously scale things down and keep only what I use, or need. I think this could be an interesting experiment, and who knows I might go crazy and actually only own 200 things :)
I think the first thing to go will be books, because moving books is a pain. Those things get heavy. I know that books mean knowledge and what not, but they're bulky once I've read them I probably won't read them ever again. I do like having a book shelf though, makes me look smart to have books!
So, I'm off to scale down and clean out! Wish me luck!
Between cooking and clothes....only 100 items not going to cut it......but good luck on the cleaning out and packing!
Yes, I've read the 100 Thing Challenge. I recommend looking through this blog: http://rowdykittens.com/
There are some great insights about 'simple living' or just living simpler. I've been doing the same, just getting rid (donating, recycling, gifting) things that aren't necessary to my livelihood! One great thing was taking all the DVD's out of their cases, and consolidating into a small CD holder. Then I removed all the paper from the DVD cases, recycled them, and now looking into a place where I can recycle the cases as well. About 3 square feet of storage down to less than 6inches!!
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