January 19, 2011

Personality Test.

I decided to take one of those tests that help you find a career that you would do well at. This particular test I had taken in college, but we didn't look at suitable careers from it. I am a INFP, the "Questor," which stats for Introverted, iNtuition, Feeling, and Perceiving.

The description of this personality fit me pretty damn well. It basically pegs me as a pleaser, who avoids conflict and is in constant turmoil over my own ethics and relationships with others. A natural tendency to identify with others and self-sacrifice leads this personality type to be in constant question of who they are. And as stress builds they become unconnected with their own personality and perceived place in life. Instead of making concrete observations they turn to the more symbolic and abstract meanings of a particular situation. Also, INFP's make people who expect more concrete things crazy, and that much I know is true :)

The careers that are suggested are:
Social Worker
Diversity Manager
Holistic Health Practitioner
College Proffesor
Legal Mediator
Human Resource/Employment... specialists
Editor/Art Director

Lets be honest. Almost all of these careers are things I have thought about becoming. These all seem like they could be fun to me.

Since on the Introverted/Extroverted scale I was almost at 50% I decided to check out what a ENFP is. Well, that pretty much completes a description of me.

They overextend themselves emotionally and become oversensitive when their desire to please different people come into conflict. Moves on to new ventures without completing others. During times of stress they will often deceive others into not seeing what is really going on with them. Often feel like a "phony" or "fake" because of a constant feeling of loosing control over their identity.

Possible Careers:
Conference Planner
Speech Pathologist
Human Resource manager
Merchandise Director
Editor/ Art Director

A whole other list of careers I've thought about. I think this little exercise helped me figure out my problem. I feel like I have all these personalities in my head. One day a career that involves talking to people sounds wonderful, and one day it seems miserable. Every job I think about getting into I feel like I don't belong because I don't have the experience and as the ENFP profile says I feel like a phony for some reason trying to get into that career. Like for some reason I do not deserve it.

If you made it through this whole post, you're a rockstar. Hopefully one day I'll figure my shit out. Soon.


Cheryl said...

Oh my you have yourself pegged!

Quinn W said...

Interesting...what test did you take? I've stopped trying to figure things out, I just keep doing things and they always lead me in magical directions even though it may not seem like it at the moment.