December 12, 2010

Averagely Attractive Men.

I don't have very good luck with boys. I'm not what you would call a "player," or whatever hip term the kids use these days. But this doesn't stop me from having some pretty strong opinions on what I want in a man.

Let me give you the background on this one. I was watching a movie from the 60's and there was a very handsome young actor in this movie so I IMDB'd him to see how he'd aged (since men just get more attractive with age, mostly) well, he is no longer attractive.

And let me tell you I was upset. How does someone go from so wonderful on the eyes to such an atrocity? Well, strong language, but he REALLY isn't cute now. This of course led my brain on a slippery slope of thought.

I've never been super picky in the looks department, and now I figured out that I am a genius for this. Why fall in love with some super gorgeous man who later in life will become a fat, balding man with shoulder hair? I'll settle for average now, so that later in life when this becomes of my man it won't be such a long fall. Getting an average young man and watching him morph into an average old man is way better than the fall from beautiful.

And there you go. Bring on the average, ok-looking, regular boys. They're a-ok with me. Besides there's more than looks, right? Like the ability to kiss well... :)


Anonymous said...

Can't believe it took me so long to read this very observant post. I agree with you though, through and through. While, they're super attractive now, they won't be later. I think this is a great post because I watch a lot of old movies too and think "Oh man that guy is good looking" but later on in his life I'm not even able to recognize him. I'm good with average, and plus, the average guy will usually treat you better now AND later. instead of just later.
Seeing as how Shadow is having that unofficial 5 year reunion, I'll be interested to see how many people remain attractive 40 years down the line and who falls victim to gravity and old age. Of course now that I send this out into the universe I'm going to fall victim to both. :-)
Thanks for another great installment of This Is Happening: You Best Be Ready!


Justin said...

Haha, I appreciate your use of the word "kiss" as a metaphor.