April 25, 2011

30 days of writing.

I’m going to try something to get myself back into the writing mode. I keep seeing on Facebook all these 30 day photo, song, whatever challenges. So, since I have been seriously slacking I’m going to try to write something everyday for 30 days. Looking forward I know that there are going to be days where these entries are 4 words long. I figure that’s ok though, this is my challenge and my rules, and lets be real, I am not one who likes a whole lotta rules.

So, let the mindless, unconscious flow of thoughts um.. well, flow. I won't promise outstandingly good things. You might even yawn at me. But don't admit that to me as I will be very upset with you. You do not want me upset with you. I'm quite vicious.


Cheryl said...


Cheryl said...
